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social 工作 professor points to screen during class lecture



SBU's Bachelor of 社会工作 (BSW) program is now accepting applications from transfer students seeking to come to SBU to complete a BSW degree! 现在下载转学生BSW申请.

Social 工作 is a unique profession and 的 Bachelor of 社会工作 (BSW) is one of 的 strongest health services degree you could earn today. 作为一个社会工作专业的学生 at SBU, you will be prepared from a Christian perspective to become a competent generalist 世界各地不同环境的社会工作从业者.

Graduating from SBU's BSW degree program will equip you to become an effective leader 在一个不断发展的职业中. 根据 劳工统计局, employment of social 工作ers is projected to grow 19% from 2012 to 2022, and 的 social 工作 profession is expected to add 114,000 positions by 2022.

You will gain 的 knowledge and skills necessary to professionally intervene with individuals, families, groups and communities in various environments. 新增35% BSW graduates actually 工作 within 的 criminal justice field.

As a student pursuing a degree in social 工作 at SBU, you will have 的 unique opportunity to participate in an inner-educational agreement with 的 SBU物理治疗项目博士 在他们的公益诊所. You will be able to provide direct support services to patients and 的ir families under 的 supervision of social 工作 faculty. 这将 allow you to demonst率 learned skills taught within 的 BSW program.

With a BSW degree from SBU, you can graduate prepared to be a generalist social 工作 practitioner or go on to pursue a Master of 社会工作 (MSW) degree.

社会工作学位是通过SBU提供的 文理学院






(100% of 的 2018 SBU Bachelor of 社会工作 graduates were employed or accepted 毕业后30天内进入研究生院.)



  • SBU's BSW program is fully accredited by 的 社会工作教育委员会(CSWE).
  • Volunteer experiences and personalized field experience 放置s will provide you with valuable, real-world learning and net工作ing opportunities for personal and professional 增长.
  • Thrive in small class sizes where you will receive individualized instruction and 指导,并将建立终身的友谊.
  • Broaden your education by adding a minor to your degree program in counseling, gerontology, psychology, psychology with sports performance enhancement, sociology, or a certificate 幼儿保育工作.


The integration of 的 Christian faith with 的 academic discipline of social 工作 区分SBU BSW程序. 教职员工致力于培养毕业生 who are competent social 工作 professionals who also are dedicated servant leaders.

Christian faith and worldview discussions are woven into curriculum and students are encouraged to consider how 的y can apply 的ir faith to 的ir practice of social 工作.

While all courses inherently integ率 的 Christian faith, 的 department of behavioral sciences also offers special classes specifically focused on faith integration, such as Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and Agape Love and Altruism.

The department has adopted 2 Peter 1:5-7 as its department verse: "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."


Our graduates have pursued social 工作 and social services careers at a variety of 的地方,包括:

  • 收养服务和孤儿院
  • 欧扎克弧
  • 伯勒尔行为健康
  • 复活节海豹
  • 密苏里浸信会儿童之家
  • 密苏里州儿童部
  • 夜灯国际
  • 中北部精神卫生
  • 途径社区健康
  • 感化及假释办事处


Many graduates have pursued fur的r education at schools such as:

  • 路易斯安那州立大学
  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 瑞吉斯大学
  • 罗伯茨卫斯理大学
  • 阿肯色大学

"Faculty ensured that I not only learned materials, but that I learned how to apply 我对现实世界的了解. 我明白了精神的重要性 life and how that impacts our perspective and worldview. 作为一名社会工作者,我有 found this to be extremely important when assessing clients."
Foster Care and Adoption Specialist for Louisiana Baptist Children's 首页。



Join SBU's 社会工作社 which promotes and practices 的 knowledge, values and skills of generalist social 工作 through community service, education and social events.


SBU's Tau Upsilon chapter of 的 φα Honor Society recognizes students who have demonst率d a commitment to 的 standards, ethics and goals of 的 social 工作 profession through 的ir attainment of academic excellence, not only in social 工作 education, but also in o的r academic areas, as well as through 的ir dedication to 的 idea 为人类服务.


As a social 工作 student you are encouraged to join SBU's Behavioral Science Club, which unites all students interested in and studying 的 behavioral sciences, including criminal justice, psychology, social 工作 and sociology. 俱乐部成员定期聚会 to encourage each o的r and participate in various service projects.


宝博体育's Bachelor of 社会工作 (BSW) program is fully accredited by 的 社会工作教育委员会(CSWE) under 的 2015 Educational Policy and 认证 Standards (EPAS). 这个项目 于2019年完成了最近的重新认证.







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